December 2022 Update from Metro Area Governors Island Coalition (M.A.G.I.C.)
1) M.A.G.I.C’s Trees Not Towers Governors Island Legal Fund supporting the lawsuit against the 2021 Governors Island upzoning is entering the next phase.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 in upcoming weeks. Thanks to all of you who contributed so far. Please continue to SHARE WIDELY!
On December 14th we filed our Notice of Appeal in response to the judge’s Dec 8th dismissal of the suit. Now we can receive additional amicus briefs and other support for the appeal, which will be heard in 2023. Please contact us for details on how to help M.A.G.I.C prevail. Please amplify our social media at @gi_coalition (instagram), Facebook group, and @gi_coalition (twitter), and if you can, please donate generously – it’s tax deductible and right now, pursuing this appeal is our best opportunity to preserve “our country place in the city.”
2) December 20, 2022
Good work Governors Island public. M.A.G.I.C members attending the public presentations of proposals for a “Center for Climate Solutions” and actively expressing concerns at Manhattan Community Board 1 helped bring about a decent CB1 resolution. (Their building height figure is still too high though.) Thanks to CB1 and Council Member Marte for their leadership.
See the M.A.G.I.C. letter to CB1 Regarding the presentations here:
3) October 11, 2022
At the Landmarks & Preservation Committee (LPC) hearing regarding the awful proposed Governors Island historic district lighting LPC Chair Sarah Carroll ruled that the lighting proposal needs more discussion and that no decision would be made at that meeting. The LPC asked the Trust for Governors Island to come back with a different proposal or a reframing. Good work so far lovers of Governors Island.
M.A.G.I.C report here:
4) M.A.G.I.C. is supportive of the “stopthechopnynj” efforts and hopes to do more. Sightseeing helicopter noise over Governors Island (and other parts of NYC) is ridiculous and is at times, as one visitor describes, “soul crushing.” We’re way behind on posting in our new “choppers per hour” YouTube playlist. Hopefully more soon.
Read other M.A.G.I.C. coverage HERE and HERE
The coming year will be critical to the future of Governors Island, so your support is doubly appreciated. So if possible please:
1. Contribute to Trees Not Towers Legal Fund.
2. If you can help fundraise, please respond to this email.
3. Consider helping our legal appeal with an amicus brief or inquire about other support.
4. Follow M.A.G.I.C. on social media and post about Governors Island. Social media links on our homepage.
Roger Manning
Metro Area Governors Island Coalition (M.A.G.I.C.)